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Would you like to discuss and receive information on Pierre Fabre employee shareholding?

Complete and validate the form below.

To confirm your membership, please send your one-time lifetime subscription of€10 per check
payable to Ruscube, specifying your surname, first name and e-mail address on the back of the check.

Your payment should be sent to:

Laboratoires Pierre Fabre

Direction R&D (att. Claire Meunier)

Centre de Recherche et Développement

3, avenue Hubert Curien – BP 13652

31035 TOULOUSE Cedex 1

Your account will be activated by the association upon receipt of your payment.
You will then receive a confirmation message.

Vos informations :
Your informations:

Afin de compléter mon inscription, je certifie sur l’honneur que :
In order to complete my registration, I hereby certify that:
** : Je détiens directement ou indirectement par l’intermédiaire du FCPE Actionnariat PIERRE FABRE au moins une action de la société PIERRE FABRE S.A ou PIERRE FABRE FINANCES INTERNATIONAL ou m’engage sur l’honneur à me porter acquéreur d’au moins une action.**: I directly or indirectly hold through the FCPE Actionnariat PIERRE FABRE at least one share of the company PIERRE FABRE S.A or PIERRE FABRE FINANCES INTERNATIONAL or undertake on my honor to acquire at least one share.

I am already a member

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